Sierra Leone

Sierra Leone

Sierra Leone,officially theRepublic of Sierra Leone, is a country inWest Africa. It is bordered byGuineaon the north, Liberia in the south-east, and theAtlantic Oceanin the south-west. Sierra Leone has atropical climate, with a diverse environment ranging fromsavannahtorainforests. Itis divided into four geographical regions: theNorthern Province,Eastern Provice, Southern Provinceand theWestern Area, which are subdivided intofourteen districts.Freetownis the capital, largest city and its economic and political centre.Bois the second largest city. The other major cities areKenema,Makeni, andKoidu Town.

About sixteenethnic groupsinhabit Sierra Leone, each with its own language and customs. Predominantly a Muslim country, Sierra Leone is regarded as one of the most religiously tolerant nations in the world. Muslims and Christians collaborate and interact with each other peacefully. Religious violence is very rare in the country.

It is also among the largest producers oftitaniumandbauxite, a major producer ofgold, and has one of the world's largest deposits ofrutile. Sierra Leone is home to the third-largest natural harbour in the world.

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